Better Future.
Better Pay
...who doesnt right? To be better in everything and definitely I am not an exception.
So I am listing down on what I want to achieve and grab in my entire life insyaALLAH..
I know, I know its end of the year already...but the goals listed will effectively be carried out next year..
though some has started running and going...
1#To have an Annual vacation - (DONE-27th DEC-1st JAN)
2#Design an Eco-House for grandma
3#Own a Blackberry
4#Complete my Ph.D
5#Collect Jung Woo-Sung movies -3 to go yeay!
6#Backpacking anywhere...
7#Learn to swim better =)
8#Learn Latin dances
9#Travel on a cruise
10#Have my one business and design card
11#Master my English -more reading and vocabularies enrichment!
12#Watch an Orchestra
13#Watch a heater
14#Great proficiency in reciting The Quran
15#Go to Sunway- its been ages since my last time
16#Complete my Master
17#Get a full body massage
18#Go for a karaoke (its a NO-NO and against my principle hahahah but I am breakin it soon)
19#Spend a night in a boat
20#Own a D-SLR
21#Master my Spanish
22#Hone my scrapBooking skill
23#Haj before 35
24#Learn my Korean more
25#Go for a marathon
26#Involve in a real charity work.
27#Paint my room heart-red and brown
28#Have a cute saving box..-need to start saving lil by lil
29#Get a new wardrobe ...gosh some of my clothes are worn out!
30#Get a new and slick Notebook =) (DONE)
31#Improve my knowledge on construction and GBI -really hate the construction part tho..
32#Go on a movie-marathon =) (DONE twilight-ninja assasin-mulan)
33#Buy my parents a ticket for vacation-its been awhile,,,they are so busy all the time.
34#Buy naser's Gundam a replacement =)) for the one I broke
35#Study Abroad in near future
Life is short and I dont wanna waste a single moment of my precious life with my precious family and friends.
Its tough and a lot of hardwork.
I need to be persistent.
I need to presevere
I know at the end of the road awaits the tremendous reward.
So why not give it a its not a try ...its a MUST to me...nothing in life is easy.Even millionaires havetheir hiccups too.
So lets start organizing my life...
Jotting down all my plans and making it black and white of what to do is really awesome!
this is for now and the list will continue as the time goes and I will tick or or mark those that I have achieved....
Aja Aja Fighting!!!

1 comment:
gud luck in achieving evrything u wish
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