First Goal to be achieved for 2010
How exciting....
Wanted to buy a coin box that is cheap and cute....
So I have chosen Mr. Red Bear
Welcome home Mr. Red B...
lets meet him...shall we?
Don't want to waste my time....I shall start saving more now =P

Ni kalo penuh agak2 dapat bape yek? Kalo nak dapat hasil yg lebih lumayan, masukkan 50sen jek kat tabung ni.. pastu pi cari tabung bentuk bunnies, isi coins 20sen dan 10sen untuk bunbun...
look at ours :D
wahh cute...oke nnti try masukkn 50sen dulu huhu. Seronok tgk org ade tabung so teringin nk ade tabung sendiri. Dulu ade slalu jek tak penuh...thanks for your comment yea.
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