Sounds familiar ?
Its a korean movie...a very sad love story but nah I am not talking about the movie now.
It is far more exciting.
After years of searching, tracking and keeping in touch finally we met ! My best friend since primary...Ain
After years of searching, tracking and keeping in touch finally we met ! My best friend since primary...Ain
Meeting your own lost and found best friend is something that really makes my day...well in this case 'made ' my day =)
I was nervous and anxious cause you know...its really been awhileeeeeee and people do change huhuhu
and goodness she has grown taller and prettier. She really do look so much like her mom and i do miss her mom too. =P
We had our chat for couple of hours, bought her a piece of cake or brownie (not sure) and off we go hugging and saying farewell before we went our separate ways.
I had a blast and was so grateful for the fact that I finally able to see her face to face after say 10 years plus ? (betul ke ain ) We had a good chat, good laugh and good moment together in spite that we didnt had anything while chatting ; no drinks , no food (cause we already had our meals before the meet up).
It is truly a moment to remember.
So here's a couple of photos during the meet up at Midvalley, a day before new year =) :
best regards
best regards

awwww i'm so touched!
i had a great time too.serious.
empph. hope kita dapat jumpe lagi next time. had so much fun chatting dgn u farah. u lagilaaaa da berubah. hehehe.
de rezeki kite jumpe lg =)
thanks ain..i dh upload gambo tgk tauuu
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