I just have to say this walaupun takde masa...so frustrated and angry...
Quoted from my dear lecturer PM Dr.Muna :
'Ternyata tentera Yahudi menunjukkan belang sbgmana Allah nyatakn di dalam Al-Quran tentng kebongkakn mereka sehingga para Anbiya dikalangn mereka sendiri dibunuh dgn kejam. Brsama doakn keselamatn, ketenangn dan kesejahteraan para konvoi pengaman terutama dari Malaysia. Umat Islam sejagat perlu bersatu demi kesejahteraan bersama sehingga terhapusnya fitnah dimukabumi ini & segala urusan dikembalikn pd Allah Hurrabbi. '
So Please show your support by changing your display picture for all your profiles to BLACK to create AWARENESS and CONDEMN the attacks by the Israeli commandos on Gaza aid convoy. There were 12 Malaysians on board the ship !
Get your black colour profile pic at my facebook.
~So please support and keep yourself up to date ~
For more updates go to
berita haluan palestin dan lifeline 4 Gaza

- farahD
- An ex-convent girl,USM architecture student,ex-WKKA (architect firm)currently pursuing Master in Architecture. also a *fashionista *very outspoken * business* self-proclaimed moment photographer and photo-poet* handmade enthusiast* enthrall people with my own style and enchanting-self* ambitious* *I love blogging, scrapbooking, stamps..handmades=P *romantika *very active in society *into music and dance and poetry too *definitely demure for first meet.

Monday, May 31, 2010
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Thanks for sharing.
work from home
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