Apart form fulfilling the Goals I have listed, I have actually added more to the list.
From 38# items moved to 46# items
Well the additional goals are :
39# Travel Malaysia Sabah and Sarawak I know its typical but its one of my most desired destination mayly because i heard good stories about these places
40# Island Hopping
been trying to get this done but always cancelled last minute..this time I'm gonna make it happened!
41# Invest in ASB
Same thing here.....procrastination is unacceptable!
42# Start giving Monthly Allowance to my grandma's
I love my grandma so as her grandchildren its my obligation to do such...at least RM50 ( since I am still studying)..will give more when I have the capability.
43# Improve fashion drawing skill
I've been drawing and designing clothes since i was primary but i end up taking architecture...(well at least ade kena mengena jgk hahaha ) so here my goal is to improve m skill. WIll buy some books on fashion designing. YEAY!!
44# Learn belly-dancing
I love dancing so much as I love blogging hahaha Well wanna try this one out. I heard it's nice and very interesting. Cant wait to try it soon !
45# Go to Gym/Aerobic session
I need to do some work out..any one care to join me ?
46# Buy my own CarRRR
Definitely is a must !
Wish me luck guys!!!!

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