I wasnt trying to make a fuss by putting such a title to the post..mind you..its just to get the impression looked more dramatic =P.
Well perhaps some of my friends who knew where I was going and reading this perhaps will know the raw layout of what I am about to tell. huhuh
Its just about my data collection work I did 2 weeks back as a part of the requirement in the outline of my research project and so I went to Bandar Baru Bangi the first week and next I went to Putrajaya.
So the First part is my D.C work in Bangi second is the Putrajaya.
And so the story goes....di da di...di da di da di da di.....=P
Sunday 6/6/10
Arrived at 1230pm at the Corus Hotel, KLCC after departured from Aeroline Queensbay Mall, Penang at 830 am. It was the first time I took the aeroline bus...its just the same like the exclusive bus of Plusliner a.k.a Nice....so took a cab to KL central and off we went for lunch then took a cab again which was so so expensive to Bangi. Later at 3pm we reached our so called budget Amani Hotel in Bandar Baru Bangi and checked in. That was about it... the whole day was practically on travelling and sleeping hahaha....
the pre-setting up at the hotel...testing testing...
Conclusion : It was tiring, sleepy and damn I wasted a lot of money on cab- travelling expenses can be so so expensive...huh ~
Day 2
Monday 7/6/10
This was my first day of data collection and definitely I didnt expect anything to go on smoothly...the only hiccup I went through that day was I started the data logger 1 hour late than scheduled...Before that, I was damn nervous...not because I had to present or anything. But I was damn petrified if the device a.k.a data logger to collect the climate or thermal comfort in the building didnt work as schedule.huhu was super duper nervous...I mean who didnt? you spent and travelled all the way from penang only to find your device didnt work ??? WTH?????? hahahah Well alhamdullillah, I was blessed..everything went on perfectly...I was so grateful !!!! So I took the reading at the office area at Pusat Tenaga Malaysia (most of archi student would know this) in Bangi starting from 10am to 6 pm...8 hours - the hours of working =P ....I was then briefed my Mr.Fendi, the management guy from PTM about the whole system of PTM along with Dr.Muna (my supervisor) who came along that morning.
Just a note :
As we walked around the area of Bandar baru bangi..precisely in seksyen 9...we were suprised to see the area was damn dirty....rubbish every where...on the road..along the sidewalks, shoplots...gosh...everywhere...
Just a note :
As we walked around the area of Bandar baru bangi..precisely in seksyen 9...we were suprised to see the area was damn dirty....rubbish every where...on the road..along the sidewalks, shoplots...gosh...everywhere...
Conclusion: It went on gr8 !~drooling~
Day 3
Tuesday 8/6/10
I set the data logger back to schedule which was from 9am to 5pm...I had and interview with Mr.Steve Lojuntin , the head principal energy of PTM along with Dr. Muna at 4pm at the waiting area. The interview was fantastic...I learned a lot from him...he was indeed very open and so into the sharing thingy...I just love him as a person and was amazed at the amount of knowledge he knew...cause he is a very observant person. Keep it up Mr.Steve ! So we ended the interview at 6.15pm.
Conclusion ; The mind was just full of info's....where to write them? pen and papers where are you ?????? Come here this instant !
Conclusion ; The mind was just full of info's....where to write them? pen and papers where are you ?????? Come here this instant !
Day 4
Wednesday 9/6/10
Today was sunny in the morning but it went cloudy towards the evening luckyly it rained after 5pm ! huhu alhamdulillah it went well as usual. Today at 10am we had a tour around PTM to get an up-closed look of the special features adapted in the building as well as some interview on the way forward and future plans of PTM. It ended 3 hours later and shish we had a very fruitful discussion with Mr.Fendi who helped a lot in getting my research done perfectly.( thanks a bunch !!)
Conclusion : We went back early to hotel with no further plans at night...so kinda boring during dinner. Low budget to travel around and take photos heheh =(
Day 5
Thursday 10/6/10
Well it came to the 2nd last day...as usual (usually we had our breakfast first but that day we were a lil late) walked to PTM about 10mins then reached there to see MR.Fendi or En.Zamil then set up the device and go to resource center, check my mail and then.......about 930am today we went to KLCC to buy tickets for my dear to go back to Penang by Aeroline bus on Sat at 330pm. So we took KTM train then the whole hassle began, with the self-whining and mumbling because of these peoples AKA couples trying to be so mushy-mushy and all the foreigners AKA banglas and Indonesians looking at us like we are the one and only strangers... so on and so forth....how I hated the public transport ! this were the reasons....perhaps I was pampered too much...hahaha sorry if I offended anyone =P....so we finally reached KLCC at around 11am then we walked again to Corus Hotel to purchase the one way ticket to Penang. Nothing much in KLCC, we went there just to have our lunch, some photo-taking and then we went back to bangi via KLcentral....nothing much after that.
But later that night we met up with NAzrin !!!! huhu finally we have someone that can bring us out of the place ..well not really out but at least we met someone we knew huhuhu so we had dinner together , nazrin drove silver gen2 to rimbun restaurant and he treated us that night...how lovely !!!! thanks nazrin for that special treat and we promise u another special treat once u are in penang....anytime..huhuh
Conclusion : was fantastic despite the normality...~
Day 6
Friday 11/06/10
Supposingly today should be the finally day....and yes it was !!!!! how Blessed I am...today shined so bright like no other...I was damn happy and alhamdullillah the whole week went on well like schedule...hopefully the same thing goes for Putrajaya case study...but you know life is always unpredictable...today O.K..tomorrow K.O hahah pray to ALLAH all will go on well..Amin...So tomorrow my Mak ngah will pick us up at the budget hotel and straight to KL to send naser farewell at 330pm before heading back to her house in Putrajaya later....
Updated : Tonight we are supposed to meet nazrin again and this time around we are going to the MINESSSSSS hahahaha so excited like a child got his lolipop hahaha excuse me yea ~~~~~
Oh Putrajaya here I come...oh hopefully not another boring place to live in... =P
Conclusion ; Definitely the week after is different from the week before without my dear....... =(

Conclusion : We went back early to hotel with no further plans at night...so kinda boring during dinner. Low budget to travel around and take photos heheh =(
boring place...not much activity during the night =P
Day 5
Thursday 10/6/10
Well it came to the 2nd last day...as usual (usually we had our breakfast first but that day we were a lil late) walked to PTM about 10mins then reached there to see MR.Fendi or En.Zamil then set up the device and go to resource center, check my mail and then.......about 930am today we went to KLCC to buy tickets for my dear to go back to Penang by Aeroline bus on Sat at 330pm. So we took KTM train then the whole hassle began, with the self-whining and mumbling because of these peoples AKA couples trying to be so mushy-mushy and all the foreigners AKA banglas and Indonesians looking at us like we are the one and only strangers... so on and so forth....how I hated the public transport ! this were the reasons....perhaps I was pampered too much...hahaha sorry if I offended anyone =P....so we finally reached KLCC at around 11am then we walked again to Corus Hotel to purchase the one way ticket to Penang. Nothing much in KLCC, we went there just to have our lunch, some photo-taking and then we went back to bangi via KLcentral....nothing much after that.
the amazing view of KLCC
But later that night we met up with NAzrin !!!! huhu finally we have someone that can bring us out of the place ..well not really out but at least we met someone we knew huhuhu so we had dinner together , nazrin drove silver gen2 to rimbun restaurant and he treated us that night...how lovely !!!! thanks nazrin for that special treat and we promise u another special treat once u are in penang....anytime..huhuh
Conclusion : was fantastic despite the normality...~
Day 6
Friday 11/06/10
Supposingly today should be the finally day....and yes it was !!!!! how Blessed I am...today shined so bright like no other...I was damn happy and alhamdullillah the whole week went on well like schedule...hopefully the same thing goes for Putrajaya case study...but you know life is always unpredictable...today O.K..tomorrow K.O hahah pray to ALLAH all will go on well..Amin...So tomorrow my Mak ngah will pick us up at the budget hotel and straight to KL to send naser farewell at 330pm before heading back to her house in Putrajaya later....
Updated : Tonight we are supposed to meet nazrin again and this time around we are going to the MINESSSSSS hahahaha so excited like a child got his lolipop hahaha excuse me yea ~~~~~
Oh Putrajaya here I come...oh hopefully not another boring place to live in... =P
Conclusion ; Definitely the week after is different from the week before without my dear....... =(
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